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Chapter 1. Preparing for Breastfeeding During Pregnancy

  • Chat with your baby to form an attachment. Invite your partner to do the same
  • Learn more about breastfeeding, including breastfeeding skills, through joining online workshops organized by HKU School of Nursing and antenatal talks offered by hospitals or maternal and child health centres. Invite your partner to attend these events with you
  • Discuss with your partner, family and health workers about ways to feed your baby


    • Maintain a balanced diet with grains, proteins, vegetables, suitable amount of fat, fruits
    • In the first trimester of pregnancy, consume food rich in folic acid and calcium, such as dark green vegetables, dairy products or nuts
    • Consume different types of fresh food to provide a range of nutrients for your baby
    • Eat frequent but smaller meals
    • Relax when you eat
    • Take a 15-min walk after a meal to reduce fat



    • Eat for two; overeat
    • Eat unhygienic food, such as raw salad vegetables, sashimi, seafood, dairy products that are not heat-treated
    • Smoking, drinking