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Chapter 3. Breastfeeding Newborns



  • The weight of your breasts feels different after feeding  
  • Your baby appears contented after feeding 
  • Your baby’s urine output is normal 
  • Your baby’s weight gain is normal 


Believe in yourself. Breastfeed your baby with confidence. 

It is not a routine recommendation to apply warm packs to the breasts.

  • Babies like closing their eyes while suckling. You do not need to worry if the breastfeeding position is correct and effective.


  • If your baby is not suckling, you may 
    1. gently tap his lower jaw to remind him to suckle, or 
    2. gently massage your breast and create milk flow into your baby’s mouth. This will stimulate suction. 

If this does not work, you may first distance him from your breast and try to wake him up through burping or changing diapers. Resume breastfeeding when there are signs that your baby is hungry.   


  • Have more skin-to-skin contact with your baby. Breastfeed according to his needs.