Chapter 6. About Milk Supply
3 keys to adequate supply:
- Start skin-to skin contact and breastfeeding as early as possible after birth
- Nurse your baby often, responding to his needs
- Breastfeed correctly – If your baby suckles correctly, it will simulate milk flow
- A newborn’s stomach is small like a marble. Even though the amount of first milk is small, the nutrients are enough for your baby.
- Remember the 3 keys to successful breastfeeding: (i) Start breastfeeding as early as possible; (ii) Nurse your baby often; (iii) Breastfeed correctly (Please refer to Chapter 4). This will ensure adequate milk supply.
- No. Feed your baby on demand properly and adequate breastmilk will be produced.
- If you still have trouble breastfeeding, there might be other issues. You may join the online workshops organized by HKU School of Nursing. Lactation consultants will assess your situation and offer advice.